Events and exhibitions
Past and actual events
Monaco, 24 Bd d'Italie
ESPACE 22 Monaco
Colaboration with House of Helmets
New format of art - creating an art helmet with design of painting "Across the mountains", that represented in the gallery Espace22 in Monaco during one month from 12 of June to 10 of July 2024. Its original idea supported by artists from Swiss, France and Italy. Promoted by Najette Derni and House of Helmet, sponsored by ABUS and UVEX.
ESPACE 22 Monaco
Art in Motion
Biennale d'Art
Divonne-les-Bains. March 2024
Biennale d'Art
Biennale d'Art a Divonne-les-Bains
21 - 24 Mars 2024
Quand le hasard se met à l'oeuvre
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à un long weekend d'art et de musique à l'Esplanade du Lac à Divonne-les-Bains. La 23eme Biennale d'art ARPADI accueillera 31 artistes et un invité d'honneur Maurice Jayet. Le thème de la Biennale est "Du hasard à l'oeuvre".
Vice-présidente responsable Connie Martinez, president d'ARPADI Yann Choukroun
CADRABEL galerie d'art
Vevey, Switzerland
Janvier - Avril 2024
Exposition SOLO
Cadrabel galerie d'art
16 rue du Simplon, Vevey, Swiss
La Cadrabel Galerie d'art est fière de présenter une solo-exposition captivante mettant en vedette l'artiste locale Anastasia Sabatié.
Plongez dans un monde de contrastes saisissants avec sa collection de peintures en noir et blanc, capturant la majesté des montagnes suisses. À travers son travail artistique, elle transporte les spectateurs dans des paysages intemporels où la lumière et l'ombre se rencontrent harmonieusement. Cette exposition promet une expérience visuelle immersive, invitant chacun à explorer la beauté et la grandeur des sommets alpins à travers le regard unique de l'artiste.
Medina Art Gallery
Rome, Italy
Medina Art Gallery
Via Angelo Poliziano 32/34, 00184 Roma
12 - 25 January 2024
Organized by Divulgarti, with the support of ARconTE, the exhibition is curated by Loredana Trestin with the support of a small group of selected art advisors, Francesca Angelini, Ludovica Dagna, Giulia Lanza, Chiara Quintavalla and Beatrice Sorlino.“Dentro e fuori: un viaggio nell’introspezione”, a group exhibition celebrating the powerof art as a vehicle for inner and outer exploration. The exhibition, features the work of 19international artists: Regina Ahlgrimm-Siess, Olga Cebanu, Nathan Chikoto, J.Dalcastagné, Barbara D’angelo Mansson, Rame Dardania, Austé Kabasinskiené, Mandeep
Kaur, Maciej Kedzielski, Yoko Kitazaki, Loredana Moschella, Andrus Reedla, Anastasia Sabatie, Olga Symonenko, Caroline Watson, Marek Wernikowski, Hsueh Yao Lu, Angelika Zajac, Krista Zane Suke, from different countries including Italy, France, Switzerland, Poland, Japan, India, South Africa, Mexico, and Lithuania, etc. With a total of 48 works, the exhibition offers a rich and diverse overview of paintings madewith mixed media. Every artist, with his or her own unique vision, contributes to an artistic dialogue on the importance of introspection in the contemporary context. The aim of the exhibition is to stimulate deep reflection on our relationship with the outside world and our inner world; it is an invitation to a journey of self-discovery and reflection. The Galleria Medina is committed to offering a space for contemplation and personal
growth, where each visitor can immerse themselves in the depths of art and their own interiority.